The Sontaran Stratagem

Duration: 44 minutes and 30 seconds
Written by: Helen Raynor
Directed by: Douglas Mackinnon
Transmission Date: 26th April 2008
Ratings: 7.1 million
Synopsis: Martha Jones summons the Doctor back to modern-day Earth, but an old enemy lies in wait, as Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues. With the mysterious ATMOS devices spreading across the world, Donna discovers that even her own family is not safe from the alien threat - but is it too late to save them?
Cast List: The Doctor - David Tennant
Donna Noble - Catherine Tate
Martha Jones - Freema Agyeman
Wilfred Mott - Bernard Cribbins
Sylvia Noble - Jacqueline King
Luke Rattigan - Ryan Sampson
Colonel Mace - Rupert Holliday Evans
General Staal - Christopher Ryan
Commander Skorr - Dan Starkey
Jo Nakashima - Elenor Matsuura
Private Harris - Clive Standen
Private Gray - Wesley Theobald
Ross Jenkins - Christian Cooke
Trepper - Rad Kaim
ATMOS Voice - Elizabeth Ryder