
By Mark
Episode Title: Midnight

Duration: 43 minutes and 49 seconds

Written by: Russell T Davies

Directed by: Alice Troughton

Transmission Date: 14th June 2008

Ratings: 8.1 million

Synopsis: The Doctor is trapped, alone, powerless and terrified, on the planet Midnight, as Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama continues. Soon, the knocking on the wall begins. Only a woman called Sky seems to know the truth – but as paranoia turns into a witch-hunt, Sky turns the Doctor's greatest strengths against him, and a sacrifice must be made...

Cast List: The Doctor - David Tennant
Donna Noble - Catherine Tate
Rose Tyler - Billie Piper-(Cameo)
Hostess - Rakie Ayola
Sky Silvestry - Lesley Sharp
Val Cane - Lindsey Coulson
Biff Cane - Daniel Ryan
Jethro Cane - Colin Morgan
Professor Hobbes - David Troughton
Dee Dee Blasco - Ayesha Antoine
Mechanic Claude - Duane Henry
Driver Joe - Tony Bluto